Band Happenings week of 06/03/24
Hello GP Band Families! Before we say goodbye to the 2024-25 school year and the Class of 2024… Thank you to everyone who contributed to an amazing year of GP Band and to all who made this year’s Band Banquet a fun and memorable event. Congratulations seniors, scholarship recipients, award winners, and band letter recipients.…
Band Happenings week of 05/20/24
Hello GP Band Families! As we get closer to the end of May, we have a few more events and kudos before saying goodbye to our Seniors and looking ahead to the 2024-25 school year. Please read carefully, there is a lot of good information below. First, a big Congratulations to our Silverwood Travel Ensemble…
May 2024
Attached are the meeting minutes from last night along with the secret ballot used for elections and the original motion to consider band camp fee increase. Band-Booster-Board-Procedings-240514.docx 66ec455917329.html Board-Elections-2024.pdf 66ec4559bec7f.html Motion-to-consider-Band-Camp-Fee-Increase-for-2024.pdf 66ec455aba8fe.html
Countdown to Silverwood!! 05/15/24
Hello Silverwood/Travel Ensemble Band Families! The countdown to Silverwood has begun…We leave this Friday, May 17th @12:30pm! Below is information regarding dress rehearsal, departure day, and what to bring. An updated itinerary is attached for your reference. Dress Rehearsal—Thursday, May 16th @7-8:30pm This rehearsal is REQUIRED by all Silverwood/Travel Ensemble members. Students should arrive to…
Countdown to Silverwood
Hello Silverwood/Travel Ensemble Band Families! We leave for Silverwood (1) week from today—Friday, May 17th @12:30pm! Below is some additional information regarding rehearsals, departure day, and what to bring. Rehearsal Schedule Rehearsals continue this week. Students are required to attend at least (3) rehearsals including the dress rehearsal on Thursday, May 16th. Students should arrive…
Band Happenings for May+
Hello GP Band Families! Welcome to “Maycember”! Before the school year ends, the GP Band Program has a lot going on. Please read carefully, and make note of all the important dates that may include your band student. Stay current with the GP Band Happenings by following the GPHS Band Boosters on Facebook and Instagram or visit grizzlyband.org/calendar. Important…
Silverwood Rehearsal UPDATE
Hello Silverwood/Travel Ensemble Band Families! Please note of this rehearsal update… ALL rehearsals are 60-minutes. Dress rehearsal on May 16th is the only 90-minute rehearsal. Rehearsal Schedule **These rehearsals are 60-minutes.** Monday, May 6th @2:30 – 3:30pm Tuesday, May 7th @7 – 8pm Monday, May 13th @7 – 8pm Tuesday, May 14th @2:30 – 3:30pm…
Silverwood rehearsals begin TODAY 05/06/24
Hello Silverwood/Travel Ensemble Band Families! Silverwood rehearsals begin today, Monday, May 6th @2:30pm There will be (5) rehearsals. Students should arrive to the Band Room 15-minutes prior to the start of each rehearsal and be ready to begin promptly at the start time listed. Mr. Morris will be taking attendance. Students are required to attend…
Silverwood IMPORTANT **Please Read**
Hello Silverwood/Travel Ensemble Band Families! Below you will find the Silverwood rehearsal schedule and a call for chaperones. Please read carefully and completely. If you have questions about the Silverwood trip, please refer to the email from Mr. Morris for complete details and itinerary OR contact him directly at tadd.morris@sno.wednet.edu . Rehearsals There will be…
April 2024
Begin forwarded message: From: Jason Grant <jason@shutostrike.com> Subject: Re: April Board Meeting Date: April 14, 2024 at 9:39:36 PM PDT To: Mike graves <gravesma@hotmail.com> Cc: Glacier Peak Band Boosters <gphsbandboosters@gmail.com>, Sarah McKinney <sarahc27@outlook.com>, Andrew Kovar2 <dzana@mac.com>, Darcella Halverson <darcellab@hotmail.com>, “Morris, Tadd” <tadd.morris@sno.wednet.edu>, Tyra Ohman <tmohman@gmail.com>, Michele Grant <michelengrant@gmail.com> Thank you Mike for your updates. I want…