Hello GP Band Families!
Thank you students and parents, one more hurrah before the 2024-25 school year ends…
Monday, June 10th 5-10pm
Concert/Symphonic Bands, Wind Ensemble, & Percussion Ensemble
GP Graduation—Students and Chaperones should arrive at GPHS at 5pm to load instruments and busses and be ready to depart for Angel of the Winds Arena ASAP. The graduation ceremony is scheduled to begin at 7:30pm. At the end of the ceremony, students will load buses and return to GP around 10pm.
Important upcoming DATES:
Tuesday, June 11th 7-8:30pm GP Band Room
ALL are welcome
Band Booster Board Meeting
Grizzly Band 2024-25 Register NOW* before June 20th!!
Grizzly Band registration is required for all new and returning Band Students interested in participating in the GPHS marching band known as Grizzly Band. This registration includes registration for Grizzly Band Camp August 5—9th 8am-4pm each day with a preview performance on Friday, August 9th. The Grizzly Band Registration Fee $190* is for Grizzly Band membership, NOT a Band Camp fee. This fee supports GPHS Band programs including instructors, clinicians, music, uniforms, band camp and other events. The All payments to GPHS Band Boosters and payments made on behalf of GPHS band students by GPHS Band Boosters are non-refundable. Please note that the Grizzly Band registration form has been updated for 2024-25 and includes special discounts for siblings, Grizzly Band Ts, and Drumline Camp attendance. (*Registration fee is $210 after June 20th)
July 29th—August 2nd
Drumline Camp 2024—Recommended for all new and returning Percussion Ensemble students interested in participating Grizzly Band’s Drumline, but not required. This year, students who attend Drumline Camp and will receive $15 off their Grizzly Band registration by using the coupon code DRUMLINE.
If you have any questions, please email the GP Band Boosters at gphsbandboosters@gmail.com. Thank you for supporting your band students and the GP Band Program.
Stay current with the GP Band Happenings by following the GPHS Band Boosters on Facebook and Instagram or visit grizzlyband.org/calendar.
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