Dear GP Band Families,
The GP Band Boosters support the WHOLE band program (not just Grizzly Band). As the 2022-23 school year draws to a close, the GP Band Boosters have begun planning for the 2023-24 school year. However, we need more parents involved—we need you! As students and parents move on from GPHS, there is a real danger that there will no longer be a GP Band Booster Board to support the GP Band Program. That said, the current board has only four (4) members and three (3) of them will have seniors next year.
We’ve prepared a detailed list of volunteer opportunities with job descriptions to give you a complete idea of what kind of help is needed behind the scenes. Read over the attached list to see what volunteer area(s) are of interest to you and join us at the next GP Band Booster Board Meeting Tuesday, June 20th @7pm in the Band Room.
5 reasons to be more involved with the GP Band Boosters
Your student benefits
The GP Band Booster Board is an important part of the GP Band Program that helps enrich your student’s high school band experience. Our fundraising efforts support the whole GPHS Band program including instructors, clinicians, music, and events.
Make a difference
In addition to fundraising, The GP Band Booster Board organizes events that add so much to the GP Band Program and the overall band experience. These annual events include Drum Line Camp, Grizzly Band Camp, Swing Dance, Drumline Festival, Jazz Band Festival, Big Trips, and the Band Banquet.
Feel involved
Every parent/guardian is welcome to attend our monthly board meetings held the second Tuesday of each month in the GP Band Room. We love to see new faces and hear fresh ideas. In addition, there are many volunteer opportunities at our annual events (listed above), home football/basketball games, and bus chaperones are often needed to travel with band groups to various band events, competitions, and festivals around the Puget Sound and beyond.
Give a helping hand
We realize that every parent/guardian is busy. That is why we welcome job-sharing roles for most of our Booster Board positions and planning committees for our events. Many hands make light work so if more people come forward we can share the work, do more, and help to make the GP Band Program fun and successful for everyone involved.
Keep our GP Band Program going
As students and parents move on from GPHS, there is a real danger that there will no longer be a GP Band Booster Board to support the GP Band Program. Please consider tossing your hat in for one of the open Booster Board positions, jumping on the event planning wagon, or just stepping up as an on-call/as-needed volunteer. No amount of support is too small. Your time is appreciated.