GPHS Band Happenings week of 05/22/23
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and made donations to support our concession stand fundraiser this past Saturday at the Jazz Festival!
As the 2022-23 school year draws to a close, the GP Band Boosters have begun planning for the 2023-24 school year. Parent volunteers serving on the Band Booster Board or simply helping out wherever whenever needed help to make our GP Band Program successful. However, we need more parents involved—we need you! As students and parents move on from GPHS, there is a real danger that there will no longer be a GP Band Booster Board to support the GP Band Program. That said, three (3) of our current board members will have seniors next year.
Watch for a separate detailed email this week with all the volunteer info for the coming year.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, May 25th
Spring Concert – ALL Bands (except Jazz Bands I & II)
Students should arrive @6:30pm for 7pm concert in GPAC
(Concert attire required)
Friday, May 26th  Â
Newport Drum Line Hang—Drum Line (concert attire required)
There are no busses for this event. Parents will need to provide transportation for their student. Students should arrive at Newport HS (4333 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue) @6:30pm
Tuesday, May 30th   Â
Band Banquet – ALL Bands and families
GPHS Commons, Dessert provided by the GP Band Boosters
Doors open @6:30, event begins @7pm
**Send us your band photos!** This has been a great year for the GP Band Program! We would like share the accomplishments and the fun at the Band Banquet with a slide show. Please send your photos with “Band Pics” in the subject line to
Looking Ahead…
Saturday, July 15th  Â
Kla-Ha-Ya Days Parade—Grizzly Band
July 31st—August 4th   Â
Drumline Camp 2023 – Registration
Grizzly Band 2023-24 – Registration
Grizzly Band registration is required for all new and returning Band Students interested in participating in the GPHS marching band known as Grizzly Band. This registration also includes registration for Grizzly Band Camp August 7—11th. The Registration Fee supports GPHS Band programs including instructors, clinicians, music, uniforms, band camp and other events. All payments to GPHS Band Boosters and payments made on behalf of GPHS band students by GPHS Band Boosters are non-refundable.
September 1st     Â
Red, White, & Blue Football Game—Grizzly Band
Check the calendar on for all the most up-to-date info on events.
Without the help of volunteer parents like you, it would be close to impossible to run the behind the scenes coordination and event planning that support our GP band family. To get more involved or if you have any questions, please email the boosters at
Email is our primary method of communication. We are working hard to keep our database updated with the most current student and parent/guardian info. If you, your student, or another guardian is not receiving our emails, or if an email address needs to be updated, please email the boosters at
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