GPHS Band Happenings 03/27/23
Important Upcoming Dates:
Monday, March 27th   Â
Disney Trip Band Rehearsals continue—Disney Trip Ensemble
Students should arrive to the Band Room 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Attendance will be taken by Mr. Morris. The scheduled dates and times for this week are listed below. All rehearsals are 2 hours. Students who are part of the Disney Trip Ensemble must attend the dress rehearsal this Friday, March 31st
Monday, March 27th @2:30pm – 4:30pm
**Friday, March 31st @11am – 1pm ** dress rehearsal/attendance required**
Disney Trip Itinerary can be found HERE
Disney Trip Packing List can be found HERE
Senior Scholarship Applications—Senior band students
GPHS Band Booster Senior Scholarship Application is available Now! Each year, GPHS Band Boosters award up to (3) $500 scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. The intent of the award is to recognize those students who have been active in the GPHS band program and who have represented the GPHS music program in outside activities. An email with all the details will be sent to seniors and their parents/guardians today.
Check the calendar on for all the most up-to-date info on events.
Without the help of volunteer parents like you, it would be close to impossible to run the behind the scenes coordination and event planning that support our GP band family. To get more involved or if you have any questions, please email the boosters at
Email is our primary method of communication. We are working hard to keep our database updated with the most current student and parent/guardian info. If you, your student, or another guardian is not receiving our emails, or if an email address needs to be updated, please email the boosters at
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