Grizzly Band Camp starts in TWO WEEKS

Hello Grizzly Band Families!

Grizzly Band Camp is Monday August 5th – Friday, August 9th

We hope you are enjoying your summer so far! We just wanted to reach out and share a few important details about Grizzly Band Camp including volunteer and donation needs. 

HOW you can help:
Grizzly Band Camp can’t happen without the support of many parent volunteers. This year, the GP Band Boosters are using SignUp Genius to post volunteer and donation needs for various booster sponsored events throughout the year. We have many volunteer and donation opportunities available during Band Camp. Parent volunteers will help GP Band Booster Board Members with taking attendance, uniform fittings, organizing uniforms and supplies, lunch supervision, picture day supervision, maintaining the water station, and distributing frozen treats. Donation needs include (borrowing for the week) 4-6 canopy tents to provide shade on the practice field and daily frozen treats for our hard working band students.

Click HERE to sign up to volunteer or donate.

Important DETAILS:
Monday August 5th – Friday, August 9th
8:00am—4:00pm with a 1-hour break for lunch

**The first day of Band Camp (Monday, August 5th) arrival times will be different: 

7:30am >>Student Leadership Council (Drum Majors, Quartermasters, and Section Leaders)

8:00am-12:00pm >> All Freshmen and Students new to GPHS Grizzly Band

12:00pm-1:00pm >> LUNCH break 

1:00pm-4:00pm >> All Grizzly Band Members

**The last day of Band Camp (Friday, August 5th) will be special: 

8:00am >> Picture Day (watch for info from the photographer re: individual photos)

2:00pm >> Preview Show & Ice Cream Social for friends and families

Watch your email for additional Grizzly Band Camp information as we get closer to Monday, August 5th. In addition, stay current with the GP Band Happenings by following the GPHS Band Boosters on Facebook and Instagram or visit

If you have any questions, please email the GP Band Boosters at Thank you for supporting your band students and the GP Band Program.

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